Photo with permission of the Idaho Historical Society.

Barber Town Eye Care Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Personal Information

Our policy is simple: We collect no personal information about you, unless you choose to provide that information to us. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party.

Voluntary Submission of Information

On our Contact Page, we provide a form that lets you voluntarily submit personal information (such as e-mail address and name). In those cases, all collected information is stored and used only for the expressed purposes for which it is intended, but not made available to any third party.

Information from e-mail you send to us

If you send us an e-mail message, the message will usually contain your return e-mail address. Also, if you include personally-identifying information in your e-mail because you want us to address issues specific to your situation, we may use that information in responding to your request. Be aware that e-mail is not totally secure against interception. Please send only information that is not sensitive via e-mail.

Links to Other Sites

Barber Town Eye Care may provide links to external websites. Please be aware that when you leave the Barber Town Eye Care website you will be going to sites that are beyond our control and standards. Websites external to have their own privacy policies, and may collect data or solicit personal information. The privacy and security policies and procedures described for do not apply to any external links. We suggest contacting these sites directly for information on their privacy and security policies.

Non-personal Information

During your visit as you browse through the website or download information, our operating system may automatically record some general information about your visit.

  • The type of browser (such as “Chrome Version xx.xx” or “Safari version xx.xx”) you are using.
  • The type of operating system you use (such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows)
  • The date and time you visit our site, and the web pages you visit on our site
  • The address of the previous website you were on, if you linked to us from another website
  • The Internet domain for your Internet service, such as “” We use this information for statistical analysis, to enable us to make our site more useful to visitors. There is no information automatically gathered about individuals.


A cookie is a small piece of information that can collected about your session at a website. At this time, Barber Town Eye Care does not use cookies.